OK Code Studio LLC

Open Alert Viewer Privacy Policy

24 October 2024 · edited 29 October 2024 · OK Code Studio LLC

Contact Info

Open Alert Viewer is made by OK Code Studio LLC and other Open Alert Viewer authors. OK Code Studio LLC may be reached at support@okcode.studio, or via the “Support” menu item in the app.

Data Use

Open Alert Viewer (“the app”) is libre / open source software, so it respects your freedom to use, study, change and share the code. It also respects your privacy: Usernames, passwords and remote server addresses (“credentials”) that you consensually configure in the account settings of the app are used by the app in only two ways: They are stored on your device’s storage, and they are transmitted to the remote servers you specify according to those credentials.

These two behaviors are for the app’s main functionality, which is to fetch and display server alert data from remote servers using the credentials that you configured. The credentials sent to those remote servers are encrypted in transit by HTTPS when the app tests credentials, and when the app fetches updates, with the option of automatic fetching in the background.

The app only transmits data to servers that are specified in the app settings. The app’s authors do not send data to any other servers or third parties.

Because the app only connects to servers you specify, data is only sent internationally if you configure the app to connect to a server that is hosted, or that itself shares data, across international borders.

The credentials that you enter into the app are yours to access, control, correct, delete, restrict or port to another app or service. Broadly speaking, you also have the right to be informed and to object to the use of your data.

Data Storage

In addition to the credentials you enter, the app keeps a cache (local copy) of the latest fetched alert data for quickly displaying info when you open the app.

The app’s data, credentials, cache and settings are stored unencrypted on your device’s storage, however your device may encrypt all of your user data storage with a password. If unencrypted data concerns you, consider learning about whether your device supports data decryption with a secure password when starting or logging into your device.

Anyone who has physical access to your device while its screen is unlocked may be able to view the account credentials you entered into the app, including stored passwords, by looking at the in-app account settings. For this reason, we recommend locking your device’s screen when you’re not using it.

Data Deletion

Since the credentials are controlled by your device alone, you are in control of when they may be deleted. Besides removing app data from your device’s backups, to delete the data entered into the app, open the app settings, then select each unwanted account, and choose “Remove Account”. Alert data caches for removed accounts clear out after the next data fetch.

If backups are enabled on your device, copies of the app’s credentials may be stored elsewhere, outside the control of Open Alert Viewer authors. That data may be accessible to you again for a time, even after deleting all of the app’s local data. Some backup systems may automatically restore data upon re-installing the app, so consider learning about how your backups are handled if you want to remove backed-up versions of the data you entered into the app.

Other Parties

Sites linked to from the app, such as GitHub and Buy Me a Coffee, are not controlled by OK Code Studio LLC, and their site owners are responsible for their own privacy policies.

Changes to this Policy

OK Code Studio LLC may occasionally update this privacy policy for Open Alert Viewer. When we do, we’ll change the date that it was last edited at the top of the page of the website-hosted version at okcode.studio. We suggest visiting that page from time to time to be notified of any changes.

For older versions of the app with outdated embedded privacy policies, the user may choose to use the version embedded in the app, or the one posted on the website.